Pricing plan for every product of all sizes.

Start connecting with all your team and plan payment for every product as you want
All the basics for businesses that are just getting started
Contact Sales
Single Project Use
Unlimited User Authentication
Unlimited data history & seats
Monitoring & alerts
Basic Roles and Permissions
Suitable for growth-stage startups with advanced requirements.
Contact Sales
All features Free
Advanced Dashboard
Unlimited Roles & Permission
1 Enterprise integration
External API management
Suitable for Hyper-growth or Enterprise companies
Contact Sales
Every Thing in Growth
Advanced access controls
Dedicated SaaS solutions
24/7 Support
Dedicated customer success

Learn what you get in every plan

Get 100+ features out of the box with Growthly integrated per-transaction pricing
Monitoring analytics data and alert
Live view
Custom dashboards
Alert Notifications
Data collection and tracking analytics
Data collection
Data import
Customer security and privacy
Two-Factor Authentication
User device log
Reporting and analytics sales data
Customer records
Core subscription metrics
Refund reports
Integration with any social media
Advertising platforms
Customer data platforms
Data governance
Task and activity tracking for dashboard
Calendar integration
Task automation
Task appointment setting

Frequently Asked Question

How secure is my data?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.
What happens to my data after the trial?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.
Can I switch between plans?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.
Is there a limit on team members?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.
Can I cancel anytime?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.
Do you have any discounts for non-profits or educational institutions?
We monitor our systems and code 24/7/365 with both automated tools and our experienced staff to prevent and eliminate attacks on our service and to protect our customers’ data.

Ready to get started?

The fastest and simple way to generate growing business solutions with our products
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