We help any business to get analytics and sales marketing

The fastest and simple way to generate growing business solutions with our products
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Over 500 business powered with us


Rating on google play and app store
Home - Hero Illustration

How our platform process easy to use?

Home - Process Illustration 1
Login or sign up to be able use our platform
You must log in first to be able to use our platform to get your product analytics
Direction Line
Direction Line Mobile
Connect your website with just a few click
Select the application you wanted to be able to connect with just a few clicks
Direction Line
Direction Line Mobile
Home - Process Illustration 3
Take some sales data that you want
You already have sales data of your product with some variants you want

The reasons to prefer choosing our platform

Seamless integration of more than 20+ apps that can help analytics your product

The reasons to prefer choosing our platform

Seamless integration of more than 20+ apps that can help analytics your product
Real time data
Get the data you need to make smarter decisions.
Fast and Easy to use
Easily to convert API with just a few clicks
Safely Security
All customer data is encrypted
Powerfull App
Easily to convert API with just a few clicks
Global Scale

Trusted by company around the world


Over 500k business powered with us


Users used our platform in around the world


Rating on google play and app store


More than 30 countries trust our platform

See what our customers have to say about us

“I’ve used Growthly at many companies before—it’s the go-to solution when you need user and product analytics.”
Try Washington
CEO of Netflix
“Uses Growthly as the source of truth for all its product data, and to determine where the team should focus its time.”
Cyhntya Rebecca
CEO of Microsoft
“Uses Growthly to get deeper user insights that could be easily shared among teams throughout the world,  improving the company investment.”
Derry Alasca
Manager of Shopify

Ready to get started?

The fastest and simple way to generate growing business solutions with our products
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